Author: Scott McKenzie

But Will He Back Out at the Last Moment?

From the great Bookslut comes this note that I overlooked last week… The LA Times reported that Tom Wolfe, Gore Vidal, Michael Chabon and Jonathan Franzen are all scheduled to guest star on episode of The Simpsons next season. The article describes the writers’ excitement at appearing on the show. “My son, Tommy, who’s now…

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NYT 10 Best Books of 2005

The New York Times provided a preview of their 10 best books of 2005. Check out the article for the full details, but here is the list itself: Fiction —Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami, published by Knopf —ON BEAUTY by Zadie Smith, published by Penguin Press —Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, published by Random…

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Chopra Sells His Own Version of the Kama Sutra

Publishers Marketplace reported that personal improvement powerhouse Deepak Chopra sold the foreign rights of his version of India’s renowned text, Kama Sutra to K.T. Forster at Virgin. Eileen Cope and Robert Gottlieb, two of the fine folks at Trident Media Group, represented Chopra in the deal. All of which made me think of the golden…

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National Novel Writing Month Recap and Results

Well, as most of you know, I started off the month of November with the best of intentions for completing National Novel Writing Month. Unfortunately, I didn’t complete my 50,000 word assignment, but I did have a great time with the experience. Event founder Chris Baty said that 59,000 people signed up and almost 10,000…

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Ellman Joins the Laura Dail Literary Agency

Aspiring author alert… last week, there were various that Tamar Ellman joined the Laura Dail Literary Agency. One report said “she will develop her own client list and sell foreign rights.” Ellman was previously at Sanford Greenburger Associates. This might be a good chance to catch on with an agent looking to build her list.…

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