Author: Scott McKenzie

Book Standard Interviews Jim Harrison

The Book Standard recently posted a good interview with Jim Harrison. In ‘Legends of the Fall’ Author Jim Harrison: Loves Home, Hates School, the fantastic writer talked about his preference for the novella form, re-using the same locations for stories over and over again, and how too many aspiring authors don’t read enough. “I’m shocked…

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Another Year, Another Round of Da Vinci Contenders

As the days of 2005 fade away and we prepare to launch into 2006, CNN features an AP report on what surely will become a New Year’s tradition… picking the next batch of contenders to The Da Vinci Code crown. The article, Next ‘Da Vinci Code’? Plenty of choices, highlights three new novels that are…

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The Importance of Cover Art

According to a Times Online article, the story you slaved over for years, and then waited two years for it to be published and hit the shelves, has about the same time it takes to sneeze once or twice to make an impression. The article, You Can Tell a Book By Its Cover, points out…

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NY Times Book Review Selection Process

Several of the book blogs recently pointed out the number of New York Times notable books that were written by staffers and even editors of the Grey Lady. For example, Paul McLeary wrote in CJR Daily, that “six of the 61 books on the nonfiction portion of the list were authored by Times staffers, and…

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Blogs and Authors

Pamela Paul, author of Pornified: How Pornography Is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships and Our Families, wrote an interesting article in yesterday’s New York Times. Entitled What Are the Blogs Saying About Me?, Paul’s article examines the way authors approach blogosphere discussion of their work. Some, like Maureen Dowd, avoid spending too much time looking…

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