Author: Scott McKenzie

Mailer on Writing Courses

  I was reading Norman Mailer’s The Spooky Art: Thoughts on Writing and came across his justification for writing courses. With all the controversy over the value of a creative writing education, I thought Mailer offered a pretty good explanation. If there is one reason above others for taking a writing course, it is to…

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King As Valuable As Joyce

At least almost equal in the eyes of one enterprising eBayer… I’m fascinated by eBay. The way people price their wares is amazing. Sometimes you find incredible bargains, other times you find outlandishly high prices. You decide on this case. A book dealer in New York is offering an uncorrected proof of Stephen King’s Carrie for…

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It’s Always Nice to See Follow Through

  I used to travel for work. Hawaii, Vermont, Kansas, Mississippi, Michigan… have flowchart, will travel. Paladin with a project plan. Most of these travel assignments required flight time, but one gig in Richmond, Virginia was just a two hour drive from my home in the DC suburbs. On my drives, I generally listed to sports-talk…

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Penthouse Turning Over a New Fig Leaf?

  The great reporters over at Mediabistro commented on a couple of recent defections from Playboy to rival Penthouse. The most recent turnover featured publisher Diane Silberstein leaving Hef behind and joining the reanimated Penthouse staff, prompting commentators to speculate on the direction of the magazine. “Considering how Penthouse has tamed its content under the new, post-Guccione…

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Happy Friday

  Everybody’s been working for this… wanting a little romance… goin’ off the deep end… needing a second chance. Or at least I damn sure have. I apologize for the lack of in-depth posts this week. It’s been a busy week at work and several days have found me at my desk by 5:30am. Next week…

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