It’s an unfortunate circumstance of being a writer in this culture that we don’t get a whole lot of publicity. Paris Hilton and Ashton Kutcher get so much attention that I have nightmares about them both, but the best writers in the world are generally relegated to odd appearances on PBS and sometimes an…
I’m pleased to report that Salman Rushdie is appearing at my alma mater today. The Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honor’s College at the University of Mississippi is presenting Rushdie at the Ford Center for Performing Arts. The event is scheduled for 7:30 to 9:00 and the famous author will discuss current events as well as his most recent…
Last week, I remarked how it is often mistakenly said that this culture builds people up and then tears them down. However, we also let them back up off the mat again. Although it’s true that we do adore a good scandal and fall from grace, we also are enchanted by tales of redemption…
The Titanic struck that ill-fated iceberg at approximately 11:40pm and roughly 2 hours and 40 minutes later, the remnants of the cruise ship hit the bottom of the ocean. How long it takes for a book to plunge from the bestseller list to the depths of the remainder table remains to be seen. On…
So I’m sure everyone saw James Frey on Oprah, except me. I have it recorded so I’m going to watch it over the weekend before I’ll comment in-depth. But from the snippets on TV, it certainly didn’t look pretty. The Oprah and James Frey discussion today was the lead story on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 last…