Author: Scott McKenzie

Company Reviewed

Max Barry’s entertaining new novel was reviewed by Stanley Bing in Sunday’s Washington Post. Bing liked the novel tremendously. Although he felt the characters were a little hollow, which undercut some of the reader’s emotional investment in their lives, the book was still “laugh-out-loud funny, its humor driven by all the pleasure that a true shock…

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Hitting the Jackpot with Mustang Sally

  I was in Las Vegas a couple of weekends ago and I kept thinking about the literature of that city. Of course, my affinity for John O’Brien’s Leaving Las Vegas is well known. But I also kept thinking of a novel that you might have forgotten, or perhaps never knew about in the first place.…

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NYT Reviews Reprise

  I have no idea how the editors of the New York Times decide what books to review and how prominently to feature those assessments. I’m particularly intrigued by the choices they make when they revist a book with multiple reviews. This week, the Times featured reviews from two books that caught my attention. In…

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So That’s Why I Haven’t Heard From That Editor

Gawker received a leaked email from Conde Nast Publications yesterday detailing their email problems. According to the Executive Director of Information Systems & Technology, the publishing goliath is “experiencing unusually long delays in the delivery of out-going email from several of our New York offices.” Which absolutely explains why I haven’t received my acceptance from The…

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eBay Publishing Opportunities

I’m always intrigued by the people who endeavor to auction on eBay the rights to publish their manuscript. Or, sometimes, you’ll see someone seeking to sell the film rights. Often, they’re folks, like this industrious author, that may have self-published other books. The eBay entry mentions a couple of previous books printed through AuthorHouse and now…

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