“I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the self-help section was. She said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.” –Dennis Miller “Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good.” –Samuel Johnson
The whole section starts laughing. There are a couple of leering looks, but mostly, mouths drop in amazement. This woman bounds down the aisle, dressed in shiny black supposedly-leather-but-its-really-twenty-dollar-vinyl. Her pants are skintight, laces run up the sides of her boots, and there’s a bolero jacket over a shiny red bra. It’s clear that she thinks…
So many of us think that simply being accepted by a publisher is the end goal. Once we sign the contract, cash the advance, and turn the manuscript in, then we think we’re on our way to the bestseller list and award banquets. Then we realize that about 150,000 titles are published in this country…
Are you a writer who has graced the New York Times bestseller list? Are you interested in a freelance ghostwriting gig? Are you available immediately? Then, Craigslist has the job opportunity for you. (via Gawker)
I wrote my tongue-in-cheek suggestion about reality television researching literary scandals last night. This morning, I checked my email and there is a note from Geoffrey Knoop, one of the participants in the J.T. Leroy saga. You might have first learned about Knoop when was most prominently interviewed in this New York Times article where he acknowledged…