Author: Scott McKenzie

Free Book Claimed

Today’s free book has been claimed by an early bird in the Pacific Northwest. Thanks for all the emails. Keep your eyes open for more freebies over the next few weeks.

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The Oxford American Winter Reading Issue

  Just got a copy of the new Oxford American Winter Reading Issue and this thing is packed with great writing on every page. I was going to write an overview of the entire issue, but there is simply too much to cover in one post. The magazine’s website provides a great overview of all…

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They Just Don’t Appreciate Me!

  Bookslut points out a McSweeney’s explaining some Possible Reasons My Short Stories Are So Poorly Reviewed by the Other Members of My Writers’ Workshop.

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Vollman Goes Batty

  The fine folks over at The Bat Segundo Show scored a major interview with literary genius William T. Vollman. Vollman discussed a wide range of topics including Copernicus, the relationship between religion and science, Dante’s Divine Comedy, Ptolemy, Intelligent Design, Iraq, live lived according to the “cash nexus” versus life in other countries, the Bush Administration as…

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Free Copy of Improbable Available

 I tend to accumulate multiple copies of books. Either because they are gifts, or because I travel somewhere and can’t wait to get home for a particular reference, but I have several duplicates lining the Slushpile shelves. So I’m going to be cleaning those out in the coming days. Today, I’ve got an extra copy of Adam…

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