In the New York Times, Thomas Geoghegan presents a thoroughly interesting review of Louis Uchitelle’s new book, The Disposable American: Layoffs and Their Consequences. This piece does what good book reviews should do: interest you in the review as much as it interests you in the book. “The layoff, Mr. Uchitelle argues, has transformed the nation,”…
WASHINGTON ( — Elite commando units are poised to rescue a tortured author on Tuesday as the world focuses on the tense situation in a small town in northern California. White House spokesman F. Scott McClegald confirmed that members of the Navy SEALs and the Army’s Delta Force are in position to storm the University of California…
Bonnie Fuller, former editor of US Weekly and other magazines, gives new meaning to struggling with a tough deadline. Her book, The Joys of Much Too Much: Go for the Big Life–The Great Career, The Perfect Guy, and Everything Else You’ve Ever Wanted, was covered in a New York Times article on Monday. The article states, “at…
Two hip literature lovers, Logan Rapp and Will Garroutte, conducted a great interview with Stephen Graham Jones for Misnomer. In this podcast, the guys discuss the nature of being a Native American Indian, horror movies and the crucial balance of breasts and blood, comic books, film scripts, and much more. Be sure to give it a…
Last night’s episode of The Sopranos illustrated what happens when authors get in too deep with bookies. So keep your March Madness shenigans in check or else you’ll end up writing scripts about a Mafia zombie with a meat cleaver for a hand.