In yesterday’s New York Times, James Frey’s controversial memoir A Million Little Pieces clocked in at number ten on the Paperback Nonfiction best seller list. The book has spent 32 weeks on the charts and the newspaper’s description of the memoir is that it “contains numerous fabrications.” It has been about 13 weeks since Oprah’s well-publicized…
Irvine Welsh, author of Trainspotting, Glue, and others, is standing up for a friend facing deportation. Chilean refugee Ernesto Leal, 41, is being housed at Belmarsh Prison and his family fears he will be forced from the country. But Welsh told the Scottish Press Association that “He may have a Chilean background but he’s as Scottish…
Certain sounds, smells, and tastes are difficult to articulate on the page. How can you describe the smell of a baked apple pie in an innovative way? How can you even begin to conjure the noise of a battlefield? How can you explain the feeling of aluminum foil on your teeth without using the word metallic? As…
My apologies for the light posting this week. Between work-work and literary-work, life has been incredibly hectic recently. I should be back up to normal speed in a day or two. I typically do quite a bit of writing on the weekends. I can fill my bloggy pantry with posts and pull them out during the week. But…
Gawker reminds us that in December, New York magazine provided reasons to love New York. One of the reasons included in their roundup was Because at Least One Person On This Page Will Be Justly Famous By 2010. The list includes 27 young people who were pegged to be major players in their various industries. Coming…