I know there have been a couple of movies about perpetual college students, but here’s a CNN article about an undergraduate who has been studying at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater for 12 years. Undoubtedly, within about six months, one of those gift books that crowd the cash register will appear: How To Stay In School Forever…
I happened to be flipping through Larry Brown’s magnificent Big Bad Love last night. I’ve read the stories in this collection dozens of times but it’s always an unexpected pleasure when you thumb through a book, quickly flipping the pages, and a line just grabs your attention, as though written in neon, as though flaming on the…
Incredibly hip and tapped into everything cool, Lauren Cerand rounds up all the cool events for Maud Newton’s great blog. Cerand points out that one of my favorite photographers, William Christenberry, is appearing at Aperture Gallery tonight at 6:30. The event is free and, for our New York readers, highly, highly recommended. “William Christenberry, known worldwide…
The American Society of Magazine Editors, in association with the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, presents magazine awards earch year. Commonly referred to as “The Ellies,” the awards recognizes magazine excellence in a number of categories. Leading up to this year’s event, the majority of the hype swirled around the surprising appearance of the Virginia Quarterly…
You’ve probably noticed the new item on our navigation bar: Most Popular Posts. This is a plug-in we added yesterday and I’m still trying to get all the kinks worked out. You’ll probably see this functionality change a bit, and even disappear and later reappear, over the coming days and weeks as I get it…