Author: Scott McKenzie

Countdown to BEA

The days are ticking down until me and the posse rock da hizouse at Book Expo America. The nation’s largest publishing event, BEA attracts over 2,000 exhibits and publishers. I’ll be at the convention on Friday, so it might be a quiet day for my humble book blog. Hopefully, I’ll be able to catch up during…

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Da Vinci Code’s Secret of Success

  Arthur Spiegelman explains how, despite being ravaged by the critics, The Da Vinci Code became one of the best-selling novels of all time. Nick Owchar, deputy editor of the Los Angeles Times Book Review says that “my theory is that non-fiction sells better than fiction and this book has a heavy concentration of history and purported facts…

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Claypool Authors Book

  Primus bass player Les Claypool has authored a book entitled South of the Pumphouse. The book is published by the great Akashic Books and is said to be influenced by Primus’ music and the works of Hunter Thompson. Claypool told The Book Standard about his unusual measures for literary talent, “I tend to be big on…

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Friedman to Run for Governor

  Writer and singer Kinky Friedman presented 169,574 names supporting his bid to be governor to Texas election officials. Regulations require potential independent candidates to collect 45,540 valid signatures in order to make it on the ballot. “”All I can say is, thank God for bars and dance halls,” said Friedman. If California can have an…

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Need Help Planning a Murder?

Call Doug Lyle for all your literary mayhem needs. Or, since you are a writer, you can say you are “researching for a novel” as a cover story to your plot about undoing the noisy neighbor. Hmmm…

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