I just noticed this… and maybe it’s because I got far too little sleep last night… but does anyone other than me think it’s odd that the the Guiness World Records: 2006 is listed on the Paperback Advice best sellers list by the folks at the New York Times? Advice? Really?
Motoko Rich writes Product Placement Deals Make Leap From Film to Books in today’s New York Times. We’ve grown accustomed to seeing brand names in movies and on television shows, but now, it seems the trend is moving to literature. As I sit here, casually enjoying the fine caffeinated rush of my Mt. Dew, typing on…
Peter Selgin edits Alimentum: The Literature of Food and, like most editors, he has a few bones to pick with the folks who fill up his mailbox. His article, The X Files: Confessions of a Cranky Lit-Mag Editor appears in the May/June 2006 issue of Poets & Writers. In the piece, Selgin offers some worthwhile advice…
The free copy of White Shadow was claimed almost immediately after the post went up. Sorry I haven’t been able to post an update earlier this afternoon. But thanks to everyone who emailed me and tried to get it. Have a great weekend!
I mentioned my review of Ace Atkins’ new novel, White Shadow, earlier today. In addition to my review, if you want to learn more about Ace’s work, check out his website. Ace is actually in France right now, appearing at the Festival International du Roman Noir. Then, he goes back out on the road for tour…