The Baltimore Sun and other outlets reported on the impending divorce of Jill and Jeff Smokler, after the couple shared updates on social media. Jill Smokler founded the Scary Mommy website in 2008 and published several books and e-books, including Confessions of a Scary Mommy: An Honest and Irreverent Look at Motherhood. Obviously, on a…
Robert James Waller, author of the mega-selling Bridges of Madison CountyVariety’s obit gets even more specific and says the writing took only 11 days. While the critics largely panned the overly sappy and sentimental novel, I remember selling tons of these books, even though I started working in a book store a couple of years…
Anything related to F. Scott Fitzgerald is worth celebrating, so the publication of a never before published short story is a great way to soften a Monday entry into the work week. Especially with the weathermen all calling for a blizzard in the next 24 hours on the East Coast. Check out “The I.O.U.”, a…
Nick Tabor’s excellent “A Town Under Trial” was published in the most recent issue of the Oxford American. In the piece, Tabor examines the twenty-two-year-old murders of two prostitutes in Oak Grove, Kentucky. Situated near the Army’s massive Fort Campbell base, Oak Grove stood apart for a number of reasons outlined by Tabor. As a…
CNN has a detailed article about how O.J. Simpson could be paroled in October. The piece explains that Simpson has a hearing with the Nevada parole board in July. Famously, an earlier book deal did not end well. Negative reaction to HarperCollins plans to publish If I Did It in 2006 lead to the book’s…