Author: Scott McKenzie

Atkins and White Team Up for Workshop

Okay, so I’m biased here. But Ace Atkins has been a longtime favorite around these parts, and since I originally crossed paths with the former newspaperman, he’s gone on to even greater accomplishments in the literary world. Today, in addition to writing his own books, he also makes the bestseller lists as the writer for…

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Sad Weekend for Rockers

This past weekend was a somber one for guitar fans. First, on Saturday, news came about the passing of Chuck Berry. We don’t often reference Berry in casual conversation. But talk to any guitar player and you’ll immediately learn of his importance. Journalist Neil Strauss got one of the last truly in-depth interviews with Berry.…

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Continents for Your Comparable Title are Running Out

In the publishing world (and movies, music, theater, and elsewhere I would imagine), books are often pitched by referring to a popular title and then putting a spin on it. This helps prospective editors contextualize the book and, hopefully, convince them to offer a deal. Coincidentally, I just noticed a trend that’s hit really quickly,…

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Proposed Budget Zeroes Out Arts Funding

President Donald Trump’s proposed budget was released this morning. And, as bookish folks feared, it’s not pretty for the arts. The Washington Post has a useful interactive webpage that shows just how departments are affected. The National Endowment for the Arts is among several being zeroed out. Zilch. Nada. To see the potential literary impact…

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Most Expensive Books Available

For giggles, I periodically check out different sites to look for the most expensive books available. So if you’ve got a couple of mill, or a few hundred thousand bucks laying around, here are your options. First, for $1.5 million on eBay, you can pick up this prayer book from 1706 from the collection of…

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