One of these days, I’m going to ask around and see if one of these book deals offered on eBay has ever actually sold. Right now, there are seven book/movie deals for sale on the auction site. They range from the film and residual rights for a series of 1950’s pulp novels auction with the bidding…
I’ve long professed my admiration for Daniel Woodrell’s writing. So it’s nice to see him getting some well-deserved attention with the release of his newest novel, Winter’s Bone. Yesterday, a profile of Woodrell appeared in USA Today. Although brief, the article will hopefully introduce new readers to Woodrell’s fascinating work.
It’s been a slow week around here as far as goes. On Tuesday evening, what I thought was going to be just a common everyday flu bug ended up sending me to the emergency room. Wednesday and Thursday consisted of just brief periods of alertness as I slept off the elephant-tranquilizer effects of…
Maud Newton noticed this unusual bit of writing advice from the late Charles Willeford: “Never allow yourself to take a leak in the morning until you’ve written a page. That way you’re guaranteed a page a day, and at the end of a year you have a novel.”
The always informative Miss Snark has some fantastic advice for what to do if you have a couple small presses vying to publish your book. Her post contains lots of great info on how, no matter how dedicated they might be, all small presses are not equal.