This afternoon, I’m going to dash out of work like a kid released from sixth period algebra class so I can race over to my local bookstore. I don’t normally read Field & Stream but I’m told that the October issue contains a previously unpublished Larry Brown essay. The folks at Square Books describe the piece as…
Stephen Graham Jones, author of the ambitious Demon Theory, Bleed into Me, and others posted an entertaining open letter on his website pitching the idea of a Soduko novel. So, my pitch: instead of attempting to clone Da Vinci Code’s formula for success, its unprecedented domination of the marketplace, of the readership, I propose instead to…
Now see, this is why I can’t get shit done. A topic gets my attention and then I’m off down some rabbit hole of esoterica, piling up books to study on topics like whale baleen or the meaning of Celtic knots or something. I blame my parents who, for my entire childhood, refused to answer…
You might recall the interview with editor Jeremie Ruby-Strauss that I posted back in May. Jeremie’s in the news again as Publishers Marketplace reports he recently signed up Tucker Max’s new book for Simon Spotlight Entertainment. The book, titled Assholes Finish First, is scheduled for release in January 2008. The Publishers Marketplace report does not include any financial information, but on…
Mark Z. Danielewski’s Only Revolutions: A Novel debuted at #13 on the New York Times Hardcover Nonfiction bestseller list. It’s great to see such an original and challenging novel dent the list. I had a great conversation with Mark last week so keep an eye out for the Slushpile interview appearing soon.