Author: Scott McKenzie

The Investments of Clive Cussler interviewed bestselling author Clive Cussler about his path to writing success, his automobile investments, and his nautical recovery activities. “I wrote evenings and weekends for the first two manuscripts, then got an agent and decided I wanted to do that full time,” Cussler told the website. “So since I could write anywhere, we…

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Attention Grabbing Covers

It’s amazing how some book covers just shout from the shelves, grab your attention, and demand your focus without looking at anything else. I don’t know why certain covers are effective, they just are. Of course, the whole effective thing is highly subjective. One book cover that just sucks me in every time I go…

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Hidden Delights

Bookninja pointed out a listing of deserving books you might have overlooked this year. It’s an interesting list because it’s not the same old titles mentioned over and over again. There are definitely a number of books that seem interesting on here.

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2007 Writing Resolutions

While you’re contemplating your New Year’s resolutions of losing weight, paying off the credit card, finally completing that 10,000 piece Alf puzzle, and teaching the cat to paint, don’t forget to plan your writing goals for the upcoming year. Almost every self-help or motivational text explains the importance of setting goals. But you shouldn’t just set broad,…

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2006 Writing Review

As 2006 comes to an end, it’s useful to reflect on this past year and evaluate our writing successes and shortcomings. For me, I had a mixed but mostly positive year. On the positive side, I published pieces in Paste, Inked  and Columbus Monthly along with several write-ups for Stuff. I also had a piece accepted for…

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