A lucky, and opportunistic, screenwriter is using Craigslist to find a date for the Oscars. “It looks like due to a huge screenwriting windfall they want to give me 2 tickets to the Oscars,” the ad states. “Being single right now means, yes, I need a date.” I would try this myself. But I’m afraid…
In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I have never seen a single, complete episode of Law & Order. Nor have I seen Law & Order: CI. Ain’t seen Law & Order: SVU either. Haven’t gotten around to watching Law & Order: K9 Squad, Law & Order: Roto-Rooter Investigations, or Law…
I was flipping channels last night and came across the 131st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on USA Network. I always get a kick out of these things. I grew up surrounded by black labs (in fact, breeding them allowed my parents to pay for my extensive orthodontic work.. yep, headgear and everything), my grandfather was…