Author: Scott McKenzie

Happy Friday

Hope everyone enjoys their Friday. Sorry the posts have been pretty light this week. I’ve been swamped at work and my week has been incredibly hectic. Things will be back to normal next week. Have a good weekend!

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I Gotta Try This

A lucky, and opportunistic, screenwriter is using Craigslist to find a date for the Oscars. “It looks like due to a huge screenwriting windfall they want to give me 2 tickets to the Oscars,” the ad states. “Being single right now means, yes, I need a date.” I would try this myself. But I’m afraid…

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Do Their Writers Get Paid Less?

  In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I have never seen a single, complete episode of Law & Order. Nor have I seen Law & Order: CI. Ain’t seen Law & Order: SVU either. Haven’t gotten around to watching Law & Order: K9 Squad, Law & Order: Roto-Rooter Investigations, or Law…

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The Next Publishing Prodigy

  Authors… they just keep getting younger and younger.

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