Author: Scott McKenzie

What’s Hot Right Now

There is the eternal question of trying to write a book that cashes in on a hot trend. Authors say, “I’m going to write a thinly veiled novel about being a tyrannical CEO’s assistant (or movie star’s assistant, or editor’s assitant, or a blogger from Terre Haute’s assistant, whatever) and hit the bestseller list.” Or,…

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Fresh is a debut novel by Scottish writer Mark McNay. The book is due out May 18th from MacAdam/Cage. It’s an enjoyable novel, gritty enough to be tough, fun enough to a page-turner. Check out my comments about it on Beatrice.

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Alan DeNiro at LBC

  While I’ve been trying to catch up from my trip to Hawaii, Alan DeNiro has been blogging at The Litblog Co-Op. His collection of short stories, Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead was named the Spring 2007 Read This! winner. So there are several interesting posts from DeNiro on the LBC site.…

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CityLit Festival IV Appearance

Hi gang. Tomorrow, I’ll be on a panel at the CityLit Festival IV in Baltimore. Our topic is blogging on books and the conference organizers assure me they have enough security and crowd control to handle the hoards of adoring fans that will be there. The panel also features Sarah Weinman from Galleycat and Lizzie…

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Don’t Worry, It Only Looks Like They’re Stealing Ideas

  New writers often fear losing their ideas. They’re the ones who ask agents to commit to total confidentiality before they’ll send a submission. They’re the ones who worry about trusting editors and publishers. It does seem easy, after all, to send in a great idea and have the editor just hand it to his drinking buddy to write.…

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