Author: Scott McKenzie

Tumble Home Taken

A lucky reader in New York City claimed the free copy of Amy Hempel’s Tumble Home. Thanks to everyone who emailed.

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Free Hempel Book Available

I have an extra copy of Amy Hempel’s amazing Tumble Home: A Novella and Short Stories. The first person who emails me gets the free book. Be sure to include “Free Tumble Home” in the subject line of your email. And obviously include your mailing address. Good luck!

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Interview: Matt Diehl, Author

When we typically think of controversial books, we envision lurid exposes of deceased royalty. We picture tell-all memoirs from well-connected upper class madams naming the names of their famous clientele. We see stacks of books about global warming, economic theory, the war on terror, or examinations of political administrations.  However, the controversy doesn’t need to…

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Summertime Stuff

I’ve got some new work in the July issue of Stuff. So if you’re feeling the urge for some summer gadgets or goodies, be sure to pick up a copy.

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BEA a Waste of Money for Aspiring Authors

Sometimes weird coincidences just happen. The annual Book Expo America (BEA) convention gets a fair amount of coverage in the mainstream press so many people learn about it for the first time. After the book world’s BEA frenzy recently, several aspiring authors emailed me to ask if they should attend next year. “With so many…

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