Here’s a great article on what you should know about working with a publicist to promote your book. Great inside details in this piece. [via Galley Cat.]
I am officially declaring a temporary moratorium on “I read it for the articles” jokes for this post. It’s too easy and obvious. But I was thrilled to see Barry Hannah’s name on the front cover of the latest issue of Playboy. No, they’re not doing some kind of layout with writers standing around looking…
Yesterday was the official release date of John Twelve Hawks’s new novel, The Dark River. I’m intrigued to see how this novel fares. Twelve Hawks’s first book, The Traveler, received a huge amount of pre-pub hype, debuted strong to largely good reviews, and then quickly ran out of steam. Or, at least according to some…
The New York Times has an interesting article on the closing of the Heritage Book Shop in Los Angeles. Luckily, my favorite Hollywood rare bookshop, Mystery Pier Books, remains.