Author: Scott McKenzie

What Was He Thinking?

I’m all for authors being proactive in marketing their books. I’m all for determination, dedication, and even a bit of fanaticism. But this is just ridiculous. Galleycat points out a report about Bill Schneider’s Oprah Book Club lie. Scheider, an administrative director of tourism in Provincetown, wrote a book entitled Crossed Paths. Galleycat reports the book…

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Rock Star 101

I’ve often complained about the lack of good books about how the publishing industry really works. I don’t mean the shelves full of texts that tell you “don’t send your horror novel to Harlequin Romances” or “An agent can help negotiate a better deal.” I’m talking about a resource that breaks down publishing contracts and…

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But Seriously, Will He Remember?

> So by now, you’ve undoubtedly seen the news that Rolling Stone guitarist Keith Richards sold Little, Brown and Company the rights to publish his memoir. The ticket price was reportedly a staggering $7.3 million. Other reports place the amount somewhere in the range of seven to eight million. Regardless, it was enough to make Richards’s…

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Summer 2007 Read This! Announced

The Litblog Co-Op announced the winner of our Summer 2007 Read This! recommendation. This time, we’re focusing on Jamestown by Matthew Sharpe. “This book is hard to explain without sounding like a nut,” writes nominator Megan from Bookdwarf. “It’s wonderfully imaginative and Sharpe uses language to play with the future and the past in a way…

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No Shortcuts to Pitching a Television Show

As you know, I’m a huge advocate of learning as much about the publishing industry as possible. I believe that writers (or most of them, the ones who don’t possess innate incendiary talent that demands attention, and how many of those are there, really?) need to follow the publishing industry news, they need to know…

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