Author: Scott McKenzie

Dybek Receives MacArthur Grant

Short story author Stuart Dybek is among this year’s recipients of MacArthur Foundation grants. It’s weird. I love short stories. However, I haven’t read much of Dybek’s work. I remember his collection The Coast of Chicago but that’s about it. And of ocurse there’s his great story Death of the Right Fielder. I do recall…

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Meanwhile, at Bukowski’s Crib

Charles Bukowski’s former home in Los Angeles is one step closer to landmark status. The home has been the focus of an dedicated preservation effort.

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The Other Hemingway Home

Ernest Hemingway’s home in Ketchum, ID got a much needed makeover, although plans for its future are still evolving.

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20 Books in 6 Years

Seattle Weekly has an interesting article about Jennifer Worick, an author who has published about 20 books in six years. It’s an intriguing look into the diligent writers who pump out all those books that are frequently displayed around the counter at bookstores. Obviously, this style isn’t for everyone. Some people prefer to labor for years…

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Faulkner Reading Marathon Announced

To commemorate William Faulkner’s 110 birthday, about 60 readers will gather at Rowan Oak in Oxford, MS to read aloud his novel Go Down Moses. The event is not only celebrating Faulkner’s life and work, but it is also the innagural selection for “Mississippi Reads, a statewide initiative that annually encourages readers to gather around…

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