Mark at The Elegant Variation has an absolutely fantastic post about all the things that have to happen after a book is accepted for publication. He chronicles some of the things he’s working on and really gives some great insight on how publishing works for that year-and-a-half from book deal to bookstore shelves.
I posted a brief mention of Richard Lange’s Dead Boys: Stories over at Beatrice yesterday. I’ll have more on this enjoyable book in the next couple of days. And we’ll have an interview with Lange appearing soon. For now, check out the Beatrice post and be sure to pick up this great new story collection.
There were reports yesterday that bestselling author Jon Krakauer sued his publisher, Houghton Mifflin Co, and a printing company. His suit alleges the companies “made more than 1.2 million ‘unauthorized and impermissible’ reproductions of Into Thin Air‘ in a textbook.” What’s interesting to me about this is that it illustrates all the various mechanisms in which a…
I don’t believe I’ve ever read a review of a cookbook. But this article at SeattlePI does a great job at both briefly reviewing Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto’s new cookbook, Morimoto: The New Art of Japanese Cooking in addition to also providing an update on the scene at a recent author signing in Seattle. Cool article…
Bookninja points to an interesting article about just how impossible it is to get a literary agent and how ineffective they are once you do actually procure representation. “The problem is that there are many more writers than the market can bear, and to most publishers writers are about as important as farmers are to Tesco…