Author: Patrick Kansa

It’s time for more Tales of Kingshold

If you recall, earlier this year I brought you word of a new series getting started up by D.P. Wooliscroft, with that first book entitled ?Kingshold? (you can check out that review right here). ?I?ve just recently finished reading an ARC of Wooliscroft?s latest entry in the series, named ?Tales of Kingshold? which not only…

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Bask in the binaural beauty of The Adventure Zone

Let’s start this one off with a question – why do we read? ?Why do YOU read? ?For me, when it comes to fiction, it takes the form of be entertained, pure and simple. ?Add in some super-compelling story telling, and well, you’ve got me hooked. ?Podcasts are certainly a way you can do this,…

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Do No Harm – and don’t skip this book

I just recently finished?Do No Harm: ?stories of Life, Death, and Brain Surgery by Henry Marsh, and I have to say I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would. ?In fact, it’s the second medically-related book that I finished recently (the prior being?When Breath Becomes Air), and it seems to be…

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With ‘Kingshold’, you’ve got a fun fantasy read

I do not quite recall how I stumbled across D.P. Woolliscroft a month or so ago, but boy, am I glad that I did. ?Actually, belay that, it may have been via the Kindle Scout program. ?Nevertheless, I’ve gotten to read two of Woolliscroft’s creations now – the novelette?Of Buccaneers and Bards?(which is set in…

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The healthy glow of those Radium Girls

At least, that’s how those in charge framed things in the plants that were running in Orange, NJ and Ottawa, IL. ?In her book?The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women, Kate Moore paints us a picture – a very human one – of what went on for these women.

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