ASoIaF Release Date News: There Still Is No Release Date
[Spoilers, kinda]
Game of Thrones has more sex and acronyms than an orgy in an all-hands business meeting.
But even less titillating is the fact that there’s still no release date for the final books in the A Song of Ice and Fire (ASoIaF) series?The Winds of Winter (WoW) and A Dream of Spring (ADoS). So although the TV series GoT won’t premiere its final season till 2019, it will still wrap up before its literary counterpart.
That doesn’t mean the endings will match. After all, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have moved the players around in vastly different configurations from Martin, like King of the Sadists Ramsay Bolton marrying Sansa Stark instead of Jeyne Poole disguised as Sansa’s sister Arya Stark.
You can see how a series can get confusing, even for its writer.
George R.R. Martin has not been able to say when TWoW will be released?though like a good magician he uses misdirection to avoid the topic, e.g. telling a crowd at the recent Worldcon 2018 that some of the characters who already died on TV’s GoT actually survive in book’s GoT.
Does that mean Ramsay Bolton will live?
Photo: Fran?ois Philipp