Palahniuk Ripped Off
Guitarist Steve Vai recalls asking Frank Zappa for advice. “What’s the one thing you would tell an aspiring musician?” the awe struck kid asked. Zappa took a piece of paper and scribbled something down. He handed it to the young musician who opened up the scrap and saw a name and a phone number. “Music attorney,” Zappa said.
The music industry is full of rip off stories. Agents, promoters, record labels, publicists, caterers, and probably house painters stole from musicians over the decades.
But it’s more rare in publishing. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean it never happens.
Multiple sources are reporting that Fight Club author Chuck Palahniuk has lost years of income to an alleged swindler.
Sad news for a powerful writer. I’m just starting Adjustment Day and will have thoughts on it soon.
According to some reports, the alleged theft was not limited to Palahniuk but was more widespread at prestigious literary agency Donadio & Olson.