A landslide of Lansdale advice
Author Joe R. Lansdale got 2018 off to a rousing start with a landslide of writing advice on his social media pages.
For example, here was an entry on January 5:
“Waiting on inspiration may be the worst idea of all time, at least from my perspective. You are your own inspiration. It isn’t coming to you via cosmic rays. It’s learning to sit down at a similar time each day and letting the gate to your subconscious swing open. If you only work when you’re inspired, then you may not work very much. The key to inspiration is habit.”
The prolific author maintains an output that would make any jealous. He knows what he’s talking about in terms of putting in the effort. Follow him on Facebook to get all of his useful advice.
PS: My favorite Lansdale book is Sunset and Sawdust.