The New Juiced?
The sports pages are full of details about Floyd Landis’s admission that he used performance enhancing drugs during his cycling career.
So we’re taking bets: how long until Landis signs a book deal?
With the bestseller success of Jose Canseco’s 2006 book Juiced: Rampant ‘Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big, it seems to be a natural that some publisher would call Landis.
On the flip side, cycling is a much, much lower profile sport in our country than baseball. And sports fans have been so overloaded with steroid talk that maybe they don’t care about Landis’s story.
I’m putting the odds at 3-1 or maybe 7-2. It’s not a sure thing, but it won’t be surprising when we see Landis pedaling across the publishing finish line.
Although it will be interesting to see what Simon Spotlight Entertainment’s reaction is since they published Positively False: The Real Story of How I Won the Tour de France by Floyd Landis in 2007.