Spring Cleaning and Catching Up

cleaning supplies

It has been a hectic 2010 so far, coming off a very busy end of 2009. I feel like the last few months have been a blur of travel, interviews, concerts, galley reviews, edits, and more red pencils than I care to admit.

But now it’s time to dust off things here at Slushpile.net. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for some cool new interviews. Plus, I might change the look of the blog as well, just for a fresh start. Let me know if you’ve got any recommendations, or things you might like to see here. Maybe I’ll make the site all iPhone-y like everything else in the world these days.

In the meantime, I’ve been re-acquainting myself with some of my favorite book and literary blogs, websites that you should visit often. These folks never fail to provide useful and engaging content:

Publishers Marketplace has all your industry news. I’ve been sifting through the deals database, catching up on items that I missed over the last few months.

Edward Champion always provides an interesting and unflinching look at books and movies. Be sure to check out the Bat Segundo podcasts.

Literary Rejections on Display features a healthy (some might say unhealthy is more accurate) dose of vitriol along with commiseration. It’s always good for a few laughs.

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