NAMM 2009


I’m just catching up from spending some time in Southern California last week to attend NAMM 2009. This massive convention attracts about 85,000 music industry professionals from around the world. The musical instrument industry comes together to reveal their latest models and do business with retailers. It’s basically like one of those car and electronics shows. Except for long haired rockers.

scott-and-mick_cropped_resizedTo generate excitement and attract the convention attendees, the manufacturers trot out their big name celebrity musicians. So you get to stand in line for a signed poster, snapshot or other knicknack. Here’s me (after hours and hours of hiking the convention floor) with Mick Mars of Motley Crue (I’m the guy on the left). It’s like Book Expo America in the way you can meet your favorite artists. Except free guitars aren’t given away like the free book orgy at BEA.

In many cases, the manufacturers create special instruments for NAMM, just to show off their skill. Like fashion shows or the auto shows, some of these designs will never make it to a Guitar Center near you. These fantastically painted, beautifully crafted one-off pieces end up leaking out and you’ll see them auctioned on eBay or something for collectors.

But most of the instruments displayed are available and you’ll see them in music shops shortly.

The weather was almost downright hot for January, about 85 degrees and sunny, which made for a nice contrast with the single digits temps most of the country is facing.

I’ll let you know when my NAMM posts are up at various websites scattered around.

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