Cool Activities at Dzanc Books
Dzanc Books, one of the coolest small, independent publishers out there, has some interesting activities in the coming weeks. Mark your calendars now, because you’ll want to get in on this action.
First up, writers can submit their work-in-progress for the 2008 Dzanc Prize. The winner receives $5,000. In keeping with Dzanc’s mission of supporting educational programs that utilize literary fiction, you must also submit an educational program you can offer. For example, the winner of last year’s prize was Laura van der Berg who leads workshops in the New England prison system. The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2008. So if you’ve got a good book in the making and you’re a community-minded person, be sure to apply.
Second, Dzanc Books is hosting a Write-a-Thon to raise money for their educational programs. Dzanc Books is a non-profit with 501(c)3 status and the Write-a-Thon will help them continue to offer fiction and education programs. Sounds like a fun day for a good cause, and if you participate, you’ll end up with a nice piece of writing to show for it.