True Enough

I wrote about Farhad Manjoo’s True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society for CrunchGear. Click here to read the entire piece.

Manjoo’s text is intriguing. He points out how, as people, we have always had a tendency to believe what we want to believe. However, recent technological advances make it easier for us to select increasingly specialized and personalized realities. In today’s day and age, just how can you ever truly agree upon what is “fact” when all data can be altered.

The main thing I found lacking about True Enough was some prescription for sifting through all the information overload. The subtitle is “learning to live in a post fact socieity” which I interpreted to mean that Manjoo would make some suggestions as part of the “learning to live” aspect of the book.

However, he explains the issue and leaves it at that. Farhad Manjoo is trained as a journalist so it’s certainly second nature for him to report the facts and let the reader decide. However, in a book length work of nonfiction, where he devotes 250 pages to explaining the problem, I would have like to have seen some solutions offered. Or, at least some simple ways enhancing our own movement through the endless information.

Still, True Enough is an engaging read and it’s sure to generate conversation and debate. Be sure to check it out.

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