Dream Publications
This is your final day to register for a free copy of Joshua Henkin’s Matrimony. The entry period closes at midnight, eastern time, today. So be sure to email me with Matrimony in your subject line. Include your name and mailing address in the email.
I’ll announce the winner tomorrow.
For the question of the day, Henkin explains about where he dreams about being published.
Slushpile: You’ve published in a number of prestigious literary journals and magazines. What is your dream publication that you still want to attain?
Henkin Finally, a shorter answer! It’s been quite a number of years since I submitted work to journals and magazines. I wrote short stories for a long time, and I hope to write some more before too long, but I spent the last decade working on Matrimony, and now I need to finish my new novel. In the time since I last submitted stories, a lot of new journals have come along, many of them terrific. Tin House, McSweeney’s, The Believer, A Public Space, N+1—these are all publishing really interesting work. And a lot of the older journals, the ones I submitted to a number of years back, are still publishing really high-quality fiction. But if I were given one publication, I’d have to go with the predictable, boring choice. The New Yorker. And why not? They pay well, and they have lots of smart readers. What more could a writer want?