Maybe She Knows the Cool Dorm, but I Wouldn’t Take Her Advice on Succeeding in Literature Class


Kaavya Viswanathan, the college student who cashed a reported $500,000 advance from Little, Brown which was ultimately cancelled due to numerous allegations of plagiarism, will be advising new students at Harvard this fall. Viswanathan was one of 190 students selected from a pool of 500 applicants to be a peer advising fellow.

The Harvard Crimson stated that the peer advisors, “who will each receive a $1,000 stipend, are to serve as informal academic advisors as well as entryway community-builders to groups of 10 freshmen.”

According to reports, Viswanathan plans on becoming an investment banker after graduation. So while I’d take her advice on budgeting my student loan money, I think I’d steer clear of her instructions on how to cite sources in that Comp 101 research paper.

(via Gawker)

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