Lit Blog Co-Op
Something happened last week which left me humbled and honored. But I just didn’t have the time to post properly about it. So I’ve finally gotten a chance to sit down, gather my thoughts, and share this honor with you.
I was asked to join the Litblog Co-Op and, of course, I accepted immediately. This is a consortium of fine bookish folks who strive to draw attention to the best of contemporary fiction, authors, and presses that are struggling to be noticed in a flooded marketplace.
One of the things the group does is vote on a worthy book for all of us to support. The idea is that twenty-some-odd blogs united can bring more attention to a book than a whole bunch of blogs talking about completely different titles. Right now, the group is debating Michael Martone by Michael Martone (FC2), White Spirit by Paul Constante and translated by Betsy Wing (University of Nebraska Press), Skin by Kellie Wells (University of Nebraska Press), and Crawl Space by Edie Meidav (FSG).
And keep an eye on the left nav bar. I’m going to be adding links to all my fellow LBC folks there so you’ll have plenty more cool book blogs to peruse each day.
Once again, thanks to the LBC. I’m thrilled, honored, and excited to be a part of your worthy endeavor.