Free Copy of Stop Breakin Down Available
In the ongoing effort to clear out duplicate books from my shelves, and to spread literary cheer to our wonderful readers, here’s another free book offer. Stop Breakin Down: Stories by John McManus is a fantastic collection about people driven to the brink of endurance and survival.
In the current issue of the Oxford American, some of the South’s best authors provide their selection for the region’s brightest new talent. Madison Smartt Bell selects McManus as his pick of a literary upstart worth watching. He remembers that McManus hitting a streak where “he was hot the way an athlete or a gambler gets hot and can’t miss whatever play it might occur to him to try,” Bell writes. “He was hot like the barrel of a belt-fed machine gun… These are the stories of his first collection, Stop Breakin’ Down. Their style and energy are like nothing else that came off the literary pipeline at the close of the twentieth century.”
You might also remember our interview with McManus from last summer.
This particular copy of the book is a trade paperback. The book-compulsive in me is compelled to point out that there is a small stain (about the size of a pencil eraser) on the cover and a very small tear on one corner of the book. But overall, it’s in very good condition.
The first person to email me with the subject line “Stop Breakin Down Book” gets it, completely free. Be sure to include your mailing address in the email. Enjoy!