But Will He Back Out at the Last Moment?
From the great Bookslut comes this note that I overlooked last week…
The LA Times reported that Tom Wolfe, Gore Vidal, Michael Chabon and Jonathan Franzen are all scheduled to guest star on episode of The Simpsons next season. The article describes the writers’ excitement at appearing on the show. “My son, Tommy, who’s now 20, one of his first words was [Homer’s trademark exclamation] ‘D’oh!’ And now any conversation he has with anybody, he’ll reference The Simpsons,” said Wolfe.
The script for the show also calls for Chabon and Franzen, friends who travelled to the studio for their voiceovers together, to “brawl during a dispute about their literary influences.”
Sounds like a fun episode. But will Franzen go through with it or will he drop out at the last moment?