Great New Issue of The Oxford American

(alternate text)

There’s a great new issue of The Oxford American on newsstands now. The issue focuses on Southern food and it’s place in the culture of the region. Guest-edited by food expert John T. Edge, the magazine has wide-ranging articles dealing with every aspect of food you can imagine.

But for me, personally, the chile hidden in the stew, that I didn’t expect but snuck up on me and set me on fire, were the tributes in the magazine to the late Larry Brown. There are a couple of great essays about the man, the writer, the fireman, and the friend. But most of all, there is a magnificent portrait of Brown by noted photographer Tom Rankin. I had seen this photo years ago, and had quite honestly forgotten all about it. It’s in the magazine and I stood there in the store, staring at it, for ages, until a clerk came over and asked me if I needed any help.

So for me personally, this issue is one to read, one to enjoy, and because of that photo, one to put away somewhere for safekeeping.

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