BoD: The Great Gatsby

Just because it’s summer and I’m wishing that I were strolling amongst the crowds, the bands, and eccentric guests at a fine party… today’s Book of the Day is F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.

Many books affect you on an emotional level. And many other books affect you on an intellectual level. The Great Gatsby is one of the very few that I can think of that succeeds on both levels. There’s enough of a story there to grab your heart, and enough literary substance there to engage grad students for decades.

So although it’s not new, it’s not edgy, it’s not an underground classic, I invite you to read this novel again. Forget about your high school English class. Read it now while enjoying the heat of summer and marvel at this very close to perfect book.

If you need to replace your old beat-up copy from lit class, buy a nice clean one here.

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