MacAdam/Cage Departures
[Originally posted on Thursday, June 16, 2005]
As you know, MacAdam/Cage is one of Slushpile???s favorite publishers. So it???s a big deal to us that Publishers Weekly is reporting this afternoon that MC is losing two editors.
Anika Streitfeld, the respected fiction editor at MacAdam/Cage who edited The Time Traveler???s Wife is moving to Random House???s Ballantine imprint.
And in an unrelated, coincidental move, Slushpile favorite Pat Walsh is leaving MC to pursue his own writing career. Our readers know doubt are aware of my adoration of Walsh???s 78 Reasons Why Your Book May Never Be Published and 14 Reasons Why It Just Might which was just published by Penguin. Walsh is also under contract to deliver a book about the world series of poker.
I???m sad to see Walsh go, but I appreciate his time and generosity. And although the literary world loses a great editor, it???s gaining a fantastic writer as well. So we???ll be able to enjoy his work far into the future.