Ohhhh.. So Now He’s Guilty?

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You might remember my various wagers on how many books would come out of the Michael Jackson trial. And we also had a news post about the grandma juror who allegedly was talking to agents and co-writers about a book deal during ostensibly violating the terms of her jury duty. Well, now more details about some of these Jackson books are surfacing.

Yahoo! Entertainment has a report that says two jurors are closing in on book and film deals. Eleanor Cook, the aforementioned grandmother is working with a co-writer on a project entitled Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird. A second juror, Ray Hultman, is working on a project entitled The Deliberator.

Now, if you’re as confused as I am about how these folks changed their mind so quickly, PublishersMarketplace provides one explanation for their logical acrobatics. “They are trying to make them sound more appealing they are now saying they think Jackson was guilty,” states PM.

They might need to do something to stir up attention. The Yahoo! article points out that the subject matter, child molestation, “gives a lot of people the creeps.” Read the Yahoo! piece here.

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